Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Above figure shows a boiling water reactor (BWR). Again, there is a reactor building or containment shell where the nuclear reactor and some of its complement equipment are located. The reactor housing of the BWR tends to be larger than the PWR and looks almost like an inverted lightbulb.
In a BWR, water boils inside the reactor itself, and the steam goes directly to the turbine generator to produce electricity. Similar to other steam power plants, the steam is condensed and reused. Note that the turbine building is closely coupled to the reactor building, and special constraints exist in entering the turbine building because the water can pick up radioactivity.
Note the torus at the bottom of the reactor. If there should be a reactor rupture, the water inside the reactor will flash into steam and create a very high pressure surge in the reactor building. The reactor torus is filled with cold water, which will instantly condense the steam. The torus system ensures that the pressure inside the containment dome never exceeds an acceptable level.
As with the pressurized water reactor, the reactor housing contains the fuel core and water supply flow paths. The reactor recirculation system consists of the pumps and pipes that circulate the water through the reactor. The water circulating through the reactor actually goes into the turbine itself and then condensed water goes back into the reactor. The steam separator in the reactor shell separates the water from the steam and allows the steam to pass
to the steam generator. The separated water is returned to the reactor for recirculation.
The boiling water reactor utilizes one cooling loop. Both water and steam exist in the reactor core (a definition of boiling). Reactor power is controlled by positioning the control rods from start-up to approximately 70% of rated power. From 70% to 100% of rated power, the reactor power is controlled by changing the flow of water through the core. As more water is pumped through the core and more steam generated, more power is produced.
In the boiling water reactor, control rods are normally inserted from
the bottom. The top of the reactor vessel is used to separate water and steam.
Advantages and Disadvantages of BWR
A major advantage of the BWR is that the overall thermal efficiency is greater than that of a pressurized water reactor because there is no separate steam generator or heat exchanger.
Controlling the reactor is a little easier than in a PWR because it is accomplished by controlling the flow of water through the core. Increasing the water flow increases the power generated. Because of the nature of the design, the reactor vessel is subjected to less radiation, and this is considered to be an advantage because some steels become brittle with exposure to excessive radiation.
The greatest disadvantage of the BWR is that the design is much more complex. It requires a larger pressure vessel than the PWR because of the amount of steam that can be released during an accident. This larger pressure vessel also increases the cost of the BWR. Finally, the design does allow a small amount of radioactive contamination to get into the turbine system.
This modest radioactivity requires that anybody working on the turbine must wear appropriate protective clothing and use the proper equipment.
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